Ability Imprint psychometric testing icon

Psychometric Testing and Assessment

Ability Imprint

The Ability Imprint is a series of psychometric tests that reliably evaluate individuals across our scientifically developed Capability Framework. Psychometric testing allows organisations to objectively identify capability drivers for job performance and effortlessly match the best-fit candidates to any Profile.

A graphic representing different types of psychometric tests. It shows a test structure with multiple choice questions.

How it works

An Ability Imprint is produced when a person completes a simple, four-part 45 minute online psychometric testing and evaluation session. These four psychometric tests measure the individual’s inherent behavioural and cognitive abilities across the AbilityMap Capability Framework of human skills that are applicable to work.

Literacy ability tests icon


Our verbal reasoning test measures the candidate’s ability to quickly comprehend, logically think about, and accurately draw conclusions from various types of written information.

Numerical reasoning tests icon


Our numerical reasoning test evaluates the capability to quickly interpret numerical data and perform accurate mathematical calculations. The use of a calculator is permitted.

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Problem Solving

Logical reasoning tests and abstract reasoning tests measure the cognitive ability to identify patterns and logical rules. Our problem-solving aptitude test incorporates elements of both.

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Our behavioural and situational judgement tests identify a candidate’s inherent behavioural style to generate a behavioural profile. This psychometric test type has no right or wrong answers.

Helping people play to their strengths

Individuals who accept an invitation and complete the Ability Imprint psychometric tests receive a feedback report detailing their top capabilities across the AbilityMap Capability Framework. As a candidate, even if you’re not successful with that particular role, this report is a highly useful addition to your resume or online profile. As an organisation, it’s just one of many ways AbilityMap helps you differentiate your business and provide a positive candidate experience.

A professional young man conducting different tests on a tablet. He is pleased with his test performance.

Questions about the Ability Imprint

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