HR Handover: Managing New Employees

Hiring for a small business is tough. You know what you do inside out, and you’re excited to expand, but you’re probably not a recruitment expert. With 32% of Australians unlikely to be rehired if their employer was given the option, hiring managers desperately need guidance during this important initial process.

This article (part 4 of the Small Business Hiring Toolkit) will guide your handover from recruitment to HR. From before recruitment to after an employee leaves, AbilityMap is here to support your hiring journey.

Offering & Onboarding

Once you’ve decided on your hire – great! You’re ready to integrate them into your team. Offering someone a role comes with responsibilities, such as sending through the details of their Award and employment letter.

As important as the offer letter is a rejection letter for those who didn’t make it. Candidates often spend a while on every application, so it’s courteous to let them know if they were unsuccessful.

Once your new hire has accepted your offer, you need to send an onboarding email with the legislative information discussed on page 14. Make sure you send this out at least 1 week before the employee’s start date.

Offer Letter Template

Hi {name},
I’m delighted to extend to you an offer to join our team at {Company Name} as our new {Job Title}. We were really impressed with your qualifications and experience throughout our search, and we think you’ll contribute positively to our team’s success.

Please see below the details of our offer:
Start Date: {Start Date}
Annual Salary: {Annual Salary, including or not including super}
Benefits: You’ll have access to our comprehensive benefits package, including health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks available to our employees.
Working Hours: Your work schedule will entail {Number of Weekly Working Hours}, aligned with the requirements of your role.
Reporting To: {Supervisor’s Name}, who is keen to welcome you and provide any guidance or support you may need.

Before your start date, please take the time to review the attached documents, including the terms and conditions of your employment. If all is well, please sign and return this letter to us by {Acceptance Deadline} to confirm your acceptance.

Should you have any questions, need further clarification, or simply want to discuss any aspect of your new role, feel free to reach out to {HR Contact Name} at {HR Contact Email} or {HR Contact Phone Number}.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to the {Company Name} family. Please let us know your decision by {Acceptance Deadline}.

Kind Regards,
{Your Signature}

Rejection Letter Template

Hi {name},
Thank you for applying to join our team at {Company Name} as our new {Job Title}.

Although we had many excellent applications, we could only choose one candidate. Unfortunately, you have not been successful this time.

I wish you all the best in your future career and job search.

Kind Regards,
{Your Signature}

Negotiation 101

Negotiating salaries seems awkward, but it’s important to do it early and avoid more difficulties later on. Most candidates have valid reasons for requesting more money, so hear them out and consider the needs of all parties involved.

Best practice for negotiating with candidates and employees

  • Research market rate:
    The most important factor for good retention and an attractive organisation is competitive salaries. That means you pay equal to or above the average market rate in your area. When negotiating, you need to know this figure. You can then benchmark against it according to your perception of the candidate or employee’s value.
  • Consider benefits and packages:
    Bonus, commission and industry perks all add up for employees. If you can’t afford a pay increase, perhaps you can offer them something else. Stocks may also be an option – this is an attractive option for small businesses that are about to grow.
  • Be wary of discrimination:
    Everyone has implicit biases, but it has no place in the workplace. While there’s still a gender pay gap, and minority groups are disadvantaged, you must make sure your remuneration is fair. Consider employees’ salaries in both market and organisational contexts.
  • Express your enthusiasm:
    If you’ve found the ideal hire, make that known. Candidates will appreciate the validation of knowing you’re keen to make this work for all parties.

Effortless Onboarding Checklist

A well-defined onboarding process makes it easy to get your new hire started without hiccups. Use this checklist to make sure you have everything covered:

  • Send Welcome Email
  • Set Up Physical Workspace
  • Prepare First Week’s Schedule with Meetings
  • Finalise Contracts, Tax, Pay and Other Documentation
  • Conduct Orientation
  • Give Office Tour
  • Organise IT Setup
  • Share Company Policies and Procedures
  • Enrol in Benefits
  • Conduct Team Introductions and Integration
  • Define Training, Performance Reviews and Mentorship

Onboarding Email Template

Hi {name},
Congratulations on your new role at {Company Name} in the position of {Job Title}.

As your employer, we need to provide you with several documents which are attached for your reading and information purposes (some of which you will need to complete and return to {HR Manager Email}).

1) Fair Work Information Statement (FWIS)2) information on the National Employment Standards (NES)3) New employee form4) Tax File Number declaration5) Superannuation standard choice form

If you could fill out and return items 3 through 5 at your earliest convenience it would be greatly appreciated.

We look forward to working with you.
{Your Signature}

HR: Dealing with Friction

Even if you don’t have a dedicated HR department, you need someone responsible for dealing with HR-related queries. This may be you or the CEO, or an HR representative may be your first hire. There are also outsourcing agencies that deal solely with HR.

If you’re not an expert in the field, there are plenty of free online resources available to help in almost every difficult situation. HR practitioners forums and communities of practice are available online.

Letting People Go

Letting employees go is a challenging and sensitive process that should be handled with care.

15 tips for frictionless firing

  1. Plan and Prepare:
    Before the conversation, ensure that all the necessary paperwork and logistics, such as termination letters, final paychecks and security measures (if needed) are in place. Be well-prepared for the conversation itself.
  2. Have a Witness:
    Depending on the situation and your company’s policies, consider having a witness present during the conversation. This person can provide support and help prevent misunderstandings.
  3. Be Direct and Honest:
    Start the conversation by clearly and directly communicating the decision to terminate their employment. Avoid vague or ambiguous language. Explain the reasons behind the decision, focusing on facts and specific examples.
  4. Show Empathy:
    Recognise that this news can be devastating for the employee. Approach the conversation with empathy and kindness. Allow them to express their feelings and reactions.
  5. Listen Actively:
    Give the employee an opportunity to speak and ask questions. Listen actively and without interruption. Be open to their perspective, even if you don’t agree with it.
  6. Be Professional:
    Regardless of the circumstances, maintain a professional demeanour throughout the conversation. Avoid getting emotional or defensive.
  7. Be Mindful of Timing:
    Consider the best time for this conversation, such as at the end of the workday or week, to give the employee some privacy and time to process the news.
  8. Provide Information:
    Clearly explain the logistics of their departure, including their last working day, return of company property and how they should return any access cards or keys.
  9. Offer Support:
    Depending on your company’s policies and resources, offer assistance such as career counselling.
  10. Respect Privacy:
    Be discreet and respectful of the employee’s privacy during and after the termination. Avoid sharing sensitive information with coworkers.
  11. Secure Company Property:
    Ensure that all company property, including laptops, access cards and documents, is collected from the employee before they leave the premises.
  12. Communicate to the Team:
    Once the decision is finalised, inform the team about the departure in a professional and respectful manner. Be mindful of confidentiality and privacy.
  13. Follow Legal and HR Guidelines:
    Ensure that the termination process complies with all legal and HR requirements, including any notice periods, redundancy packages and documentation.
  14. Provide References:
    Offer to provide a reference letter or assist with job search efforts.
  15. Document the Meeting:
    After the conversation, document the discussion, including the reasons for termination and the employee’s response. This documentation may be needed for legal or HR issues.

AbilityMap: Next-Gen Technology for Better Hires

AbilityMap helps you make the right hires the first time around. First, the sophisticated algorithm identifies what your business truly needs. Then, it finds the people who hold those capabilities. So you can use the interview stage to assess personality and culture fit.

For a demonstration, or for more information, reach out to the AbilityMap team

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